Our thorough FAQs page has answers to all of your questions and can help you with any problems!


Yes, you will get a responsive website where your web page layout will automatically adjust with optimal content display for any screen size, be it a desktop, smartphone or a tablet.

We continually evolve our relationships with several cabinet manufacturers and distributors. We can also help digitize catalogs from Spec books for a fee. We have working relationships with several top brands like Fabuwood, CNC Cabinetry, Faircrest, Clark & Son, 6 square cabinets, Ava Cabinetry, Adornus, Corbels Plus, Forevermark, Jarlin and Wholesale Wood Hoods.

Yes, we charge a digital marketing fee depending on your advertising budget.

We have a standard process to onboard a new customer. We provide you a checklist where you provide us your logo, phone number, email address, cabinet lines you want to sell online, your price multiplier. Once we have all of these inputs, we can build and launch your website in less than 4 weeks.

We do not provide customer service for visitors on your website for their cabinet needs. We serve your needs with website needs.

Your customer will provide a rough sketch and dimensions of their kitchen, including ceiling height and door style. Once you qualify the lead and email the sketch to us, our talented team of engineers and designers will create a 2020 design and provide to you; with up to 3 free iterations. We also include 10 free designs per month with your ECOMMERCE subscription.

You own the business, and domain; however you do not own the source code. Kitchen365 works in a similar way to Shopify.com or Office365.com

If you already have a domain, we can use it; if not you can get one from godaddy.com

We do not provide chat support directly, but we can build a chat support tool on your website. This tool typically cost you $30-40/month. This will enable your customers to reach you 24×7. You can chat even from your mobile devices.

Shipping rules are configured for your specific needs. You can define based on distance from shipping warehouse or integrate a tool such as Freightquote.

We build the best ecommerce websites for kitchen cabinet business which works on all devices and browsers. Once the website is operational, we provide recommendations to you on digital marketing to drive traffic to your website. This includes Google paid search, paid listings, Bing, Yahoo, Facebook, Pinterest and other social media platforms.

You need to sign up for a payment gateway. We recommend Authorize.net. We connect your website with this payment gateway and your bank account. When a visitor comes to your website and order a cabinet, the payment goes to your bank account.

Yes, you must provide your logo and brand colors you want us to use.

We can completely redesign your website or integrate with your site.

Kitchen365 builds websites and provides digital marketing services to kitchen cabinet businesses. Kitchen365 is a subscription platform- you pay a monthly fee to build and maintain your website. Kitchen365 platform is built in the cloud and you get a state-of-the-art responsive website to grow your business.

With Lead Generation Website, your potential customers can study door styles, find your phone number and location and contact you to place an order. With the eCommerce Website, your potential customers can study door styles, prices, add products to shopping cart, add payment, checkout and place an order online.